links being shared here
information entertained
how much does it count
Walter introduced me to Haiku, recently; lots of fun 😉
Mrs Google says regarding Haiku:
a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables,
in three lines of five, seven, and five,
traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

Counting the 5 – 7 – 5 syllables
is easier with this tool.
Call to Action:
Send me a Haiku once in a while,
and I see myself posting it here:
yes please you my friend
no competition no stress
all thinking allowed
Me, myself and I
Let me tell you a story
me is imagined
Life as we know it
It is God’s Haiku here now
Unbroken peace IS

a nice post Holger
such fun, concise expression
celebrating THAT
(yes, that is a haiku) 🙂