Life as pure Awareness

“Transcending from Personal identity to Pure Awareness will make your life blissful and peaceful.

This is the path of NO resistance in harmony with the Divine in you.” Read More

The Error of Identity

“The error of identity is at the root of psychological suffering. By noticing how self-identity is derived from our experiences, and by noticing how all experiences come and go, we can start to investigate a more true identity that is ever-present and intimate. We can start to realize our essential nature and be free of the prison of erroneous identity.” Read More

1950 LSD Test

“The subject emphasizes the sense of unity and lack of separation between individuals, using the term empathy. They conclude by referencing a quote about the blissful certainty of waking up from a dream.” Read More

Sex like a hobby

“The speaker encourages open conversations about sex, removing shame and secrecy, and highlights the positive impact that a fulfilling sex life can have on overall well-being.” Read More