Craving and Aversion

“When we hold onto our preferences (our likes and dislikes) we become tight. Holding onto these preferences lightly means the tight boundary of ‘me’ softens and we become permeable, allowing the eternal light of Being to infuse us and our lives.” Read More

J. Krishnamurti, D. Bohm and D. Shainberg

“THE TRANSFORMATION OF MAN: This video series from 1976 is one of the most popular series of Krishnamurti discussions. Bohm and Krishnamurti were joined by psychiatrist David Shainberg and together they inquired into topics such as awareness of being fragmented, the disorderly mechanical way of living, whether we can change at the very root of our being, aloneness and complete security, images and relationships, and the sacredness of life.” Read More

Mayapuris ‘Mridanga’

This is one of the most original dance songs I have seen in a long time. Kudos to the group for presenting a first of its kind MTV like music video of high intensity in the name of God. Read More

Everything You Know is False.

This is Going to Hurt. Everything You Know is False. | Annaka Harris on Impact Theory.


Harris argues that consciousness is a fundamental mystery that is with us in every moment and should be celebrated. She defines consciousness as simply the experience of being alive and emphasizes that it is not necessarily tied to higher-order reasoning or self-awareness. Read More

1950 LSD Test

“The subject emphasizes the sense of unity and lack of separation between individuals, using the term empathy. They conclude by referencing a quote about the blissful certainty of waking up from a dream.” Read More