… to examine the sense of “me” and “other”,
…learning to discern reality from assumption,
to not mixup experience and thinking,
…to see how “me” is a misguided identity,
the source of suffering, longing and lack,

…to see the trap of trying to find myself in thoughts and feelings,
…to not be confined by making-sense,
…to understand the nature of mind,
…to be comfortable with paradoxes,
…to be at peace here and now,
…to effortlessly use the mind as a tool
in the harmonious flow of rest and activity,
…to discover the elephant in the room…
I am aware of body-mind-world,
I am not here to survive,
but to effortlessly flourish as one free of suffering.
Being lived.
All of this as a draft… (-;
Advaita is the philosophy of happiness.
Yes, thank you (-;
The introduction of our true nature,
not mental chewing gum.
not even “Advaita”?