mechanism in the mechanism

“the human being is a mechanism
and in that human mechanism
there is a mechanism which prevents
the human mechanism from seeing
its mechanistic nature

the human being is a human mechanism
but in that human mechanism
there is a mechanism which prevents
that human mechanism from seeing
its mechanistic nature which is
the sense of personal doership
and the ego

so it is the ego which prevents
the human mechanism from seeing
its mechanistic nature

and the source has
deliberately produced it
created it in every human”

Ramesh Balsekar – Misconceptions
Holger Hubbs

By Holger Hubbs

Greetings from California. Please don't hesitate to email me at regarding this and that.,,,


  1. In contemplating our experience, we do not find such a thing as an ego. We could use the term ego to refer to the sense of ‘me’, which is also referred to as the self. This sense of ‘me’ is experiential (as a feeling of localization and limitation).
    Once we realize our true nature, this sense of ‘me’ (or self) expands and in this expansion, the borders dissolve. The experiential shift is from the limited/local sense of me to being/borderless awareness, impersonal and universal.
    This is referred to as the realization of our true nature or the realization of the Self (Capital S).
    The shift is from ‘I am somebody, I am a thing’ to ‘I am nobody and everybody, I am no-thing and everything’.

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