The Error of Identity

“The error of identity is at the root of psychological suffering. By noticing how self-identity is derived from our experiences, and by noticing how all experiences come and go, we can start to investigate a more true identity that is ever-present and intimate. We can start to realize our essential nature and be free of the prison of erroneous identity.” Read More

Is non-duality dangerous?

Nonduality is not dangerous, but the mind has a tendency to distort and misinterpret it.

Potential pitfalls of the mind creating a belief system around nonduality, leading to suffering and despair.

The mind loses its refuges when studying nonduality, leading to despair and hopelessness…. Read More

the growing terror of nothing to think about

ChatGPT: The text features a philosophical musing by T.S. Eliot on quiet introspection and patience in moments of uncertainty and darkness. He recommends stillness in such times, urging the soul to wait without hope or love, as these could be directed towards wrong things. Read More