“Oh, mind!
Whenever you get bored,
dissolve back into Me,
The Light of Awareness.”
– Swami Sarvapriyananda
The first thing we know for sure is ‘I am’.
This simple knowing of our own being – so simple and obvious that it is usually overlooked – turns out to be the most precious knowledge that anyone can have.
– Rupert Spira
Life is not my business, life is my breath, my joy and being.
When you believe you are a person, you feel like life is something you have, so you try to protect and control it like a business.
When the Truth is known, you gladly cease interfering, knowing and observing that life takes perfect care of life.
It is a perfect spontaneity.
A formless witness is filled with unimaginable joy in this perceiving.
One is timelessly here as the Unchanging.
– Mooji