Thank you Bill for this unexpected gift (-;
I start enjoying it 😎…
I cannot help how the Holger entity looks, appears, acts…
nothing to take personally.
You just reminded me about my inner critic; a voice, an uncomfortableness, a fear… that made my explorations into drawing, painting, pottery, music, sport, business, people, and life in general, very restricted.
Amazing, how easily I was intimidated, impressed and exhausted by thoughts and feelings. Suffering… attachments, expectations, shame, blame, guilt, pride… all that self-entertained mind stuff, revolving around an assumed “me”.
Thank you Bill; thank you for your friendship 🙏🏼
Charlie mentioned some days ago that he joined the Garden Of Friends meetings a year ago… amazing!
Gratitude ❤️ to Life, you, everyone,
“It takes a universe to make a sandwich.”

Celebrate your life here on the planet, in the body. It’s beautiful. And celebrate your talents.
Thanks for being my friend as well, Holger!
Peace and love,