1950 LSD Test

“The subject emphasizes the sense of unity and lack of separation between individuals, using the term empathy. They conclude by referencing a quote about the blissful certainty of waking up from a dream.” Read More

Dark Matter, not real?

“Euclid is a new space telescope that will explore the dark universe, which is made of dark matter and dark energy. It has just released its first sample pictures from space, and they are amazing. Watch this video to see these pictures and learn more about Euclid and the dark universe.” Read More

Michael Singer: Consciousness and Objects of Consciousness

ChatGPT: The concept of consciousness is not just about feeling or knowing oneself, but also about the object of consciousness. It is a process of being aware of oneself and the surrounding world, including consciousness, light, sound, and light. Practice being conscious to avoid becoming confused and distracted, and letting go of objects and staying aware of oneself to achieve a fuller life. Read More

Isolation is the dream-killer

ChatGPT: “Ellen Maloney, the speaker, reflects on her journey of finding her dream after facing hardships. Despite not having any particular talents or skills, she believes that having a positive attitude can lead to achieving one’s dreams. However, even after attending motivational events and trying to create her own reality, she still struggles to identify her dream. She emphasizes the importance of not giving up and continues to search for her purpose in life.” Read More