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Living Without Free Will

ByByHolger HubbsDec 22, 2021
An exploration of the question “Do our conscious thoughts control our actions?” Read More

The river is famous to the fish.

ByByHolger HubbsDec 22, 2021
“… The boot is famous to the earth, more famous than the dress shoe, which is famous only to floors.” Read More

God is the only substance

ByByBlue HippoDec 22, 2021
“… There are no characteristics left over for any other substance to have.” Read More


ByByBlue HippoDec 22, 2021
The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me… Read More

Here and there

ByByBlue HippoDec 22, 2021
“A traveler arrives at a great wall. After much searching he finds a door, a gate in the wall…” Read More

Ramana Maharshi – Who Am I? (Nan Yar) – Advaita

ByByHolger HubbsDec 21, 2021
“Who am I?” is the title given to a set of questions and answers bearing on Self-enquiry. The questions were put to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi by Sri M. Sivaprakasam Pillai around the year 1902. Translated by Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan Read More

Wei Wu Wei

ByByHolger HubbsDec 21, 2021
Once you see it – or disappear in it –, it seems strange that it got veiled all those years by busy seeking… Read More

On the contrast between spiritual teachers

ByByBill SmithDec 21, 2021
I have been wondering about the “place” where various spiritual teachers speak from. They all speak of the ultimate reality as “Oneness,” with no attributes, no features… Read More

Advaita Flavors?

ByByBlue HippoDec 20, 2021
Classic Advaita, Practical Advaita, Radical Advaita… Read More

Spiral Dynamics Part 1

ByByBlue HippoDec 20, 2021
“Why is it so difficult for us humans to see eye to eye? Even presented with the same information, two people can come to radically different conclusions that may be nearly impossible to reconcile.” Read More