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Non-dual Haiku

ByByWalter CecchiniDec 18, 2021
Just for fun… a haiku written following the traditional 5-7-5 format:

ByByHolger HubbsDec 18, 2021
Please burden me with your feedback and participation 🌻 Read More

Be patient with me…

ByByHolger HubbsDec 16, 2021
“… I am somewhere between losing my mind and finding myself.” Read More


ByByHolger HubbsDec 16, 2021
Thank you Magdi! Read More

Jeff Foster – The Last Analysis

ByByHolger HubbsDec 15, 2021
“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” Read More

sitting on a map…

ByByHolger HubbsDec 14, 2021
“Thoughts may also be useful, but focusing on the stories of thought, and believing they’re explaining…” Read More

ByByHolger HubbsDec 14, 2021
So wonderful, the simplicity, the clarity, … I feel like my old unaware efforts and identity have nothing to hold onto. Read More

Does the Perfume evaporate?

ByByHolger HubbsDec 13, 2021
Question: What is the best way to relate to periods of relative spiritual flatness that can seem to arise after a period of expansion e.g., a long and beautiful retreat in Temecula? Read More

The mind is very restless

ByByHolger HubbsDec 13, 2021
… turbulent, strong and obstinate, O Krishna. It appears to me that it is more difficult to control than the wind. Read More

3 Questions Jean Klein asked his Teacher

ByByHolger HubbsDec 13, 2021
“are you happy?” … “is your happiness dependent on anything?” … “can you take me there?” Read More