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Indian classical dance at the British Museum

ByByHolger HubbsNov 29, 2023
… a performance of Indian classical dance, at the British Museum. … offering a glimpse into the richness and diversity of Indian dance forms … Read More

Interview: John Wheeler

ByByHolger HubbsNov 28, 2023
What are you actually? // Thank you Ralph, for sharing those recordings. Read More

A Dialogue of Self and Soul

ByByHolger HubbsNov 23, 2023
“We must laugh and we must sing, We are blest by everything, Everything we look upon is blest.” Read More

The Holistic Recovery Summit 2023

ByByHolger HubbsNov 23, 2023
Equip yourself with the most effective evidence-based approaches for understanding and healing addiction. Online Summit | Nov 27 – Dec 2, 2023 Read More

The Six Illusions

ByByBlue HippoNov 21, 2023
I believe I amthe character,the story of me.THE ILLUSION OF CONTINUITY I believe I am thesubject and lifehappens to me.THE ILLUSION OF PRIMACY I believe l am(in) the body.THE ILLUSION OF CORPOREALITY I believe I am theauthor of myactions and “do”my life.THE ILLUSION OF VOLITION I believe I am a selfbecause my thoughts,perceptions, andfeelings seem Read More

“Wu Hsin” (1a)

ByByHolger HubbsNov 20, 2023
“It is irrelevant whether or not you agree with what is said. Truth does not require your agreement, merely your recognition.” Read More

The Aloneness of Awakening (Excerpt)

ByByHolger HubbsNov 19, 2023
“The video talks about awakening from personal and cultural viewpoints, and the fear of aloneness (00:05). The speaker discusses the difference between aloneness and loneliness, using examples of Jesus and Buddha being alone but not lonely (00:36). ” Read More

The Secret Sauce or Source?

ByByHolger HubbsNov 14, 2023
“People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used.” Read More

Conditioning is not the problem!

ByByHolger HubbsNov 13, 2023
“Peace can only come as a natural consequence…” Read More

Power in relaxation

ByByHolger HubbsNov 9, 2023
ChatGPT: Most people misconstrue abundance as a reward only earned through struggle, hardship, and sacrifice. This excerpt challenges this belief, stating that true power and abundance come from letting go, embracing joy, and releasing resistance. It suggests adopting a mindset aligned with the universal laws, advocating for relaxation, being present, and internal peace. Read More

God as absolute simplicity

ByByHolger HubbsNov 4, 2023
“There is a season for everything…” Read More