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Some pearls from today’s meeting (11/26/2021)

ByByHolger HubbsNov 26, 2021
“… understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence.” Read More

Fasting For Survival

ByByHolger HubbsNov 24, 2021
“Dr. Jamnadas details the rationale behind dietary restriction and fasting.” Read More

Contemplative Prayer?

ByByHolger HubbsNov 23, 2021
What is it? Why is it so needed? Contemplation 101. Read More

Breathing Love Itself (Francis)

ByByHolger HubbsNov 23, 2021
“… see that in the moment itself there is a complete continuity between your body and the world and also between your body as an experience and your thoughts” Read More

One coin

ByByWalter CecchiniNov 21, 2021
One coin, two inseparable sides. Read More


ByByHolger HubbsNov 20, 2021
“… a substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants…” Read More

Gratitude for such consideration

ByByHolger HubbsNov 17, 2021
“… and, dear One, you are that hear-ing in here-ing” Read More

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

ByBySylvia ArkilanianNov 17, 2021
Friends, let’s touch upon a few of these thoughts together, in silence and in presence, and share with each other, whatever comes to us, naturally. Read More

Yes, yes; no, no.

ByByHolger HubbsNov 16, 2021
Sorry, I just had a rough day… Read More

A Ritual to Read to Each Other

ByByHolger HubbsNov 14, 2021
Thank you Allen for sharing. Read More